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便名:2便No:班次:班次:No: 9月30日分まで発売 Release until September 304月1日分 结束发卖4月1日分 結束發賣Release until September 30
夏2便サンセット(4月~9月)<福岡市内発 新幹線日帰りプラン>夏2便サンセット(4月~9月)<福岡市内発 新幹線日帰りプラン>
大人37,000円 ※小人同額大人37,000円 ※小人同額
旅行代金:大人37,000円 子供料金の設定がございません。
●JR・おれんじぐるりんきっぷ 福岡ワイド版(福岡市内のJR駅から乗車可 新幹線は自由席利用)
For Overseas Customers
This plan includes` The shinkansen tikets `。
Not all products are available for shipping internationally.
Not ship to hotels where you are staying.
Please be careful.
For Overseas Customers
This plan includes` The shinkansen tikets `。
Not all products are available for shipping internationally.
Not ship to hotels where you are staying.
Please be careful.
For Overseas Customers
This plan includes` The shinkansen tikets `。
Not all products are available for shipping internationally.
Not ship to hotels where you are staying.
Please be careful.
For Overseas Customers
This plan includes` The shinkansen tikets `。
Not all products are available for shipping internationally.
Not ship to hotels where you are staying.
Please be careful.
「1・2号車No.1,2 car1・2号车1・2號車1・2호차」の空き状況AvailabilityAvailabilityAvailabilityAvailability ※2ヵ月前の同日からIt is possible to book from 2 months It is possible to book from 2 months It is possible to book from 2 months It is possible to book from 2 months 10日前までが予約可能です before to 10 days in advance before to 10 days in advance before to 10 days in advance before to 10 days in advance(-)
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運休日Holiday停运日停運日운 휴일
臨時貸切運行日Chartered train只提供包车服务的运行日只提供包車服務的運行日임시 전세 운행 일
予約受付期間外Not yet Accepting Reservations不接受预约的期间不接受預約的期間예약 접수 기간 외
※予約できない日はイベント有無等により変更になる場合があります。Even on the day of the sales start, there are days when reservations cannot be made due to charters and various events.
Please refer to this calendar for dates that cannot be reserved outside the above period.
*Days that cannot be reserved may change depending on the presence or absence of events.即使在销售开始当天,也有因包机和各种活动而无法预订的日子。
*無法預訂的日期可能會根據活動的有無而改變。판매 개시 당일이라도, 전세나 각종 이벤트를 위해서 예약을 할 수 없는 날이 있습니다.
상기 기간외의 예약할 수 없는 날에 대해서는 이쪽의 캘린더를 참조해 주세요.
※예약할 수 없는 날은 이벤트 유무등에 의해 변경이 되는 경우가 있습니다.
キャンセル待ちフォームにて受付下さい。空きが出た場合のみご連絡致します。Even if the above calendar is "no vacancies", there may be vacancies.
Please use the cancellation waitlist form. We will only contact you if a space becomes available.即使上面的日历是“没有空缺”,也可能有空缺。
请使用取消等候名单表格。 我们只会在有空位时与您联系。即使上面的日曆是“沒有空缺”,也可能有空缺。
請使用取消等候名單表格。 我們只會在有空位時與您聯繫。Even if the above calendar is "no vacancies", there may be vacancies.
Please use the cancellation waitlist form. We will only contact you if a space becomes available.
おれんじ鉄道予約センターOrange Railway Reservation CenterOrange铁路预订中心Orange鐵路預訂中心오렌지 철도 예약 센터
(営業時間 10時から16時/土日祝日、12月30日~1月3日 休業)(Business hours from 10:00 to 16:00 / Only on weekdays)(营业时间从10:00到16:00 /周六日・日本节假日・12月30日~1月3日 不营业)(營業時間從10:00到16:00 /周六日・日本節假日・12月30日~1月3日 不營業)(영업 시간 10시 00 분부터 16시 / 평일 만)